Licensed games (based on movies, television shows, comic
books or otherwise) seem to be a dime a dozen these days. The common
logic (at least in the gaming world) is that for every "GoldenEye",
there are at least three "Enter The Matrix"es and four "Charlies
Angels". Let's face it, licensed games tend to disappoint, either
because of bothced gameplay, lack of relevance to the source material,
or both. But there's one franchise that's seemed to have bucked that
trend, at least on consoles. The first Buffy The Vampire Slayer game
was released back in 2002 exclusively on the Xbox to some pretty great
press. Although now the development and publishing has changed hands
the second time around, the Buffy franchise still holds strong in the
gaming world. It's not saying that BVS: Chaos Bleeds is a perfect game
or an excellent game. But BVS: Chaos Bleeds does a lot of things right
with a license that bigger developers need to pay attention to.
Now, I haven't had the chance to play the first Xbox
Buffy game yet, so I'm not sure if there's any connections fom that
game to this one. But it's safe to say that you really don't need to
play the first to enjoy this one. Also, you really don't have to be a
big fan of the show to enjoy this game. I'll admit, I was into the show
the first couple of seasons, but kind of lost interest after the third
season. I know who most of the characters in the show are in this game,
but in terms of the ongoing plotline, I know I missed something. Still,
this game is strong enough in terms of story to not really be releated
to the show. So, if you've never seen the series, or only pieces of it,
you shouldn't worry about not knowing what's going on. Not like Enter
The Matrix.
The story here is pretty much standard fare in the Buffy
universe. One of Buffy's old enemies has come back and has decided to
bring back a really unwanted force. Along the way of the "scooby gang"
trying to stop him, Buffy and her clan are whisked away to an alternate
Sunnydale to find the body parts that this enemy requests. I wouldn't
want to give so much away, especially for fans of the show. As far as
the story goes, it's tightly crafted and well written. And it should
be, as the script was written by the writters and creator of the TV
show. The writing does so well, the game actually does feel
like an episode of the TV show.
That's one of the things that actually suprised me about
this game is the level of production value that went into it. It looks
like the TV show, it plays out like an episode of the TV show, and it
stays very faithful to it's source material. That's important when you
make a game based upon a license. I think those who are fans of the
show will be very happy with how this game turned out, and even those
who aren't big fans of the show can appreciate how much work went into
this game to make it worth of it's license. But the question that is
still at hand is wether or not the gameplay can back up the production
The gameplay of BVS:CB is almost reminicent of the
old-school brawlers such as Final Fight, with some puzzles thrown in.
There's a lot (and I mean A LOT) of hand-to-hand combat in this game.
Almost to the point of where it seems a bit redundant. There's not much
variety in the gameplay other than boss fights and puzzles, and those
are some of the more frustrating aspects of the game. The "puzzles" may
not even be considered puzzles at all, but a matter of "what the hell
am I supposed to do with this" or "where do I go next". Some objectives
are not very specific, and I was wandering 20 minutes searching for a
door or an object. The boss fights are either obvious or confusing. The
obvious comes from straight-up combat with the foe. But later battles
require some thinking or specific attention. For the most part, the
game feels like a standard action title with some obscure objectives.
Another pet-peeve in this game is the lack of save-points in the game.
Some stages can go on upwards of two hours, and there's no way to save
in the middle of a level and continue later. You have to go through the
entire stage in one sitting, then save. It's kind of ridiculous.
Now, while you may think that I'm implying that the
gameplay is sub-par, it's really not. There are some fun moments, and
it's always satisfying jamming a stake into a vampire and watching it
disintegrate, even if it's the 100th time you do it. But like many
games, there are frustrating moments, and this game has it's fair share
of them.
The controls themselves are pretty tight. Walking and
fighting is never that clunky and works pretty well. And while the
camera tends to have a few erratic moments, you can easily control it
with the C-Stick. The only real problem I have with the controls is
with the invetory "system". Basicaly, you scroll through your items by
pressing left or right on the D-pad, and press up to select it. But
there's a lot of fumbling, and that is bad when you're in the heat of
combat and need to use that medi-pak.
The visuals of the game are pretty solid, and it's one
of the better looking multi-platform games I've seen in some time. The
character models are excellent, the environments are detalied, the
textures are mostly sharp (there are some that fall flat), the lighting
is good, and the framerate is mostly solid. This is pretty much how a
Gamecube game should look, where blurry-ass PS2 textures are kept at a
minimum. There is a flaw with the fact that there are not a whole lot
of variety in the enemy designs. You see a lot of the same security
guard or flannel wearing vampires each stage. Overall, not bad.
The audio is also done very well. The voice acting is
very good (mostly), because you have most of the actors from the show
lending their voices. The actors also know how to keep the tone of the
show for the game. Some licensed games that have actual actors give
weak and uninspired perfromances. Here, it doesn't happen. There is a
couple of noticable omissions, most notably Sarah Michelle Gellar, who
plays Buffy. But the stand in give a near-perfect impersonation of the
actress. The stand-in who plays Willow is almost a comical impression
of Alysson Hannigan, and that's about the worst perfromance in the
game. The sound effects and music are done well, but tend to be a bit
repetitous as does the voice clips in the game. But overall, the audio
in every area piece this game together to give the authentic feel of
the show.
Final Thought
I was suprised how well this game was pulled off in
terms of production value, as the developers made the best use of a
license I've seen in a long time. BVS: CB actually does look, sound and
feel like an episode of the TV show, and for the fans of the show,
that's important. There have been a lot of disappointing titles based
upon licenses that have never seemed to reach their full potential.
While the gameplay here is not perfect, it's good enough to play of the
license and be pretty enjoyable. It's recommended for fans of the show,
or even those looking for a polished action title. It does have some
frustrating moments, but the overall attention to detail makes up for