Thank you for visiting BlueStorm Online Gaming Magazine. My goal is to
help gamers make decisions of what games to play, and which ones to avoid,
as well as provide relevant gaming content to entertain as well as inform. Despite
what the link that brought you here says, this is information on how to get
ahold of me, as well as answer any questions you may have about the site.
Contact Info
Q: How can I contact you with a question, comment or complaint?
A: You can e-mail me at, just as long as it relates
to something about this site. Please, don't e-mail me spam or any kind of crap that
I wouldn't be interested in. No, I don't need \/IA6RA or need to re-finance my
house. I'm good.
Q: How long will it take you to replay to my e-mail (if you even respond)?
A: I do make every effort to check my e-mail as often as possible, and answer
e-mails as soon as I read them, that is if you want me to.
Q: Will you enter a link/banner exchange with my site?
A: Sure, just e-mail me at . As long as your site is
decent enough by my standards (and I'm not that picky), you will be included on
my links page.
Q: How long will it take you to replay to my e-mail (if you even respond)?
A: I do make every effort to check my e-mail as often as possible, and answer
e-mails as soon as I read them, that is if you want me to.
Site Info
Q: Who writes this crap?
A: Currently, it's just me, Shaun McCracken. I pretty much run the show here,
from the writting to the graphics to the code.
Q: Can I submit a review for your site?
A: I thought about accepting submissions from readers for games I haven't reviewed.
But there's a couple of things that keep me on the fence about doing this. For one,
I can't pay anyone or give them anything other than the credit for writing the review.
Another thing is that any review anyone would submit would have to be considered
property of BlueStorm, but not in the strictest sense of the term. You could still
assume ownership of the review, but BlueStorm has the right to use the review as
often and as long as they (I) would like. Essentially, I'll let you keep your
copyright, but you would have to grant BlueStorm full use of your copyright. So,
as you can see, I'm making quite a big fuss over something small. If you have no
problem with the "legalities" of this, knock yourself out and send me a review.
Q: Can I use your reviews on my site?
A: No. Any review on this site (as well as other writings) is property and copyrighted by Shaun McCracken.
Plus, why wouldn't you just write the reviews yourself instead of just using mine. Also,
as long as 9x (the old site) is still up and running, those reviews are off limits to
reproduce as well.
Q: But I've seen you're reviews in other places, why do they get that privledge?
A: I do submit my reviews to places such as, and basically I'm submitting
my reviews to these sites rather than allowing someone to take them.
Q: What's the deal with images, can I use those?
A: Any image that was created by me, Shaun McCracken and placed on BlueStorm,
can be used, just as long as it's not for profit. Those are copyrighted too. Any images
such as game boxes and screenshots (basically images from game companies) are copyrights and
trademarks of their respective owners, and BlueStorm does not claim ownership of
those images.
Q: Do you (or BlueStorm) have any affiliation with videogame companies?
A: No, BlueStorm is an independent publisher, and is not endorsed or affiliated
with any videogame company.
Well, that's about all I can cover, any other questions can be e-mailed to .